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A fairmind is a tool for helping people make informed and fair-minded decisions.

Fairmind.org is a website that demonstrates the concept and technology of fairminds.


Make it easier for people to be informed and fair-minded about important, complex decisions. Enable this with technology designed for fairness and against misinformation, biases, and hyper-partisanship.


A fairmind is a type of digital tool. What is a Fairmind? explains six defining characteristics.


A fairmind can be on practically any topic where people disagree—see Uses of Fairminds.


This website is for the development and demonstration of fairminds. It is offered as a free public service, on a nonprofit and nonpartisan basis.


  • Demonstrates what fairminds are and how they can help people make decisions
  • Provides example implementations of fairminds and enabling tools
  • Is the basis for community input on how the fairmind concept and technology should evolve


Fairmind.org is powered by a volunteer community.

You can participate in various ways. The simplest is to sign up to stay informed of Fairmind.org’s progress. Beyond that are different levels of involvement in feedback and development of Fairmind.org. See Community for more.


Since November 2022, Fairmind.org has been in private development with a community of testers. The site you are seeing is the latest iteration of that work.

The fairmind concept originated with Steve Krause, who is the main designer and implementer of Fairmind.org. In 2001, he registered the domain fairmind.com (and later fairmind.org) with the hope of someday creating what you now see.

Last revised 19 Apr 2024