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What if you could have a “guide to decide” your viewpoint on questions that divide opinion?

What if it walked you through what you need to know, so you can make an informed decision in a matter of minutes?

And what if all the content was fact-checked, footnoted, and balanced for fairness and accuracy?

That would be a fairmind, an internet-based tool for helping people make decisions.

Now imagine a world where fairminds exist on every topic that today is mired in misinformation, selective arguments, and partisan noise.

That is what we are building toward, starting with this site.

At the same time, we want to inspire other sites and software developers to create fairmind tools and to enable fairminds elsewhere on the internet.

All of this is work toward a world where people—as individuals, groups, and societies—can make better decisions, and understand their differences based on substance, not soundbites.

Last revised 10 Apr 2024